Welcome to Allied Westminster
Village Hall Insurance across the UK with our exclusive product VillageGuard.
We value the fact that more trustees trust us than any other village hall insurance provider. Price is important, but things happen after insurance is purchased, that’s when value matters most to our customers. Efficient and effective claims management is something take very seriously because ultimately that is what an insurance policy is all about.
With our bespoke VillageGuard, village hall insurance policy, and dedicated village hall claims handlers and support staff, over 95% of trustees put their trust in us by renewing each year. This is something we are very proud of, but never take for granted. Focusing on excellent customer service is our number one priority, it is the personality of our company, and we believe this is rewarded with customer retention.
For information about our Village Hall insurance - please CLICK HERE for our VillageGuard website
Discounted Multi-Page Valuation Report Solves Problem For Trustees
Allied Westminster has teamed up with a RICS surveyor to bring a new solution to the old problem of under-insured Village Halls and vulnerable Trustees!
At present, if Halls are under-insured then not only does it create problems at time of claim, but Village Hall Trustees can become personally liable for the uninsured losses. This problem can be avoided altogether if the Hall is insured for the correct sum, but Hall Committees are often unable to spend £500-£800 for a full onsite valuation so they can set their sums insured correctly.
Allied Westminster has been tackling this problem for some years and Halls can now receive a highly detailed valuation report showing appropriate sums for all assets – main building, outbuildings, tennis courts, car parks, walls, etc – allowing them to set sums insured with great precision.
The report is simple to request and quick to arrive. Better yet, it’s very inexpensive to VillageGuard® clients. It’s even subsidised for Halls that aren’t clients of VillageGuard, because Allied Westminster has a strong commitment to eradicating this problem for all Village Halls across the country. The valuation completely removes the problem of Trustee vulnerability for under-insured assets.
Visit this link for more details.
VillageGuard® is the most popular Village Hall Insurance policy is Britain!
VillageGuard insurance is used by more Village Halls than any other policy, and more Halls are coming on board every month. Its success is due to a combination of factors: it's designed by Village Hall people for Village Hall people (and word of that fact has spread rapidly) the premiums undercut the competition in most cases, and at our Boston Spa HQ we offer a personalised claims service which is fast and efficient. All but the larger claims are handled by our team of friendly professionals.
Call us to find out more - 01937 845245 - or visit VillageGuard for a quote.
Allied Westminster is a financially robust, growing, and successful business. For over 25 years Allied Westminster has been a pioneer in the design of specialist insurance management software and customer management systems, and in the integration of geographical information systems.
This skills and resource base has led us to become a leading specialist in niche insurance products, most notably in the provision of the first totally bespoke insurance policy for Village Halls in the United Kingdom. The end result is that Allied Westminster has become a major insurance provider to thousands of Village Halls across the country, of which over 95% renew with Allied Westminster year on year. Allied Westminster is focused on village and rural community insurance. By isolating village and rural community risks from urban and suburban risk profiles, our underwriters can provide more competitive premiums, and better value and more streamlined products. All of this affords Allied Westminster an opportunity to invest in a better quality of service.
VillageGuard™ - Village Hall Insurance
Insurance for Village halls and Community halls
VillageGuard® is now the most popular Village Hall insurance policy in the UK!

VillageGuard is our custom-built Village Hall Insurance, designed by Village Hall people for Village Hall people.
Designed by Allied Westminster with feedback from Village Hall Trustees and underwritten by Ecclesiastical, VillageGuard typically provides substantial cost savings because it's the only Village Hall insurance policy underwritten in favour of well-managed village halls in rural locations.

Valuation Report
Getting your Hall valued and setting its sum insured correctly removes the possibility of Trustees being liable for under-insured charity assets. See details of our valuation report.